Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthday Celebration Part 2

In the morning during baby turns 2! How you have grown, little one!

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Ellis' 2nd Birthday Party

With Emily

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Cake by Lana, as usual. I grew up eating this and Ellis will too!
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Of course, after the cake cutting (& when most guests left) was when the real fun started. I gave up fighting off food stains. After all, the requisite pretty family and cake cutting shots were done.
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Of course, no 2 year old party would be complete without a tantrum or two. Here's Ellis' current strategy - throw herself on the floor when made to do anything she doesn't want to do. That would be me grabbing her and trying to wipe off chocolate stains.

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She was much more interested in the stairs and elevator located just outside the function room where we held the party than in the party itself. Her routine - climb up the stairs and take the elevator down. She didn't do it in reverse to the chagrin of the adults who had to accompany her on her many trips up and down.

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We had a Noah's Ark theme. The party theme and main activity - baking and decorating cookies - was organised by my friend Cindy of myfunbuilders; do check out her site! In all the confusion, I only managed to snap the backdrop at the end of the party. There were also some really cute animal beach balls which I used as decor and gifts - again forgot to snap them in the flurry of activity. (Note to self: Assign a photographer for future parties. If, there are future parties.)

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Here's Ellis eating cake (again!) with Shayne. I think she had at least 3 helpings, more likely 4. At that point I was so exhausted I didn't really care anymore. My excuse was: It's her birthday.

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And one last shot before we wound up for the day. These are my friends whom I have known like, forever! It's rare to get a group photo nowadays :)
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1 comment:

Saggs said...

Errr, I was commenting to Dennis that ellis looks like she's our daughter in this photo. Why was he carrying her lor! :P