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Monday, August 13, 2007

More Baby Business

Stroller/ NY Update

We love the Bugaboo Bee!

Thank goodness it turned out to be what we had in mind. I'm also very taken with the red canopy top which makes it look very pram like.

We have been pushing it all around the house playing with it over the weekend :) Even with our very limited space, it's been pretty easy maneuvering it around.

My favourite thing about it is that it's so lightweight and a breeze to set up and fold down.
Also seems to be quite sturdily constructed. But no pictures (too distracted playing with it) and I finally decided to collapse it so it's now tucked away neatly in the store room.

Other things that Kisu brought back from the States - baby clothes that I ordered off Old Navy (some in pink - I finally caved. Notice the header bar on this blog has also been changed to pink?) - all very cute and in good quality cotton, and some sheets, blankets, etc. We had fun trying out the sheets on the crib!


It also appears that I've recently been hit by a bout of nesting instinct.

Initally there wasn't a plan to create a nursery room - we were thinking of just having the baby crib in our room. But now I'm considering remodelling the study into a nursery area just so that there is a proper place for the baby. We still don't have enough space for a dedicated nursery, so it's going to be a nursery cum study sort of place.

Baby Crafting

Been doing more baby crafting, including knitting (!isn't that just so contrived?) - I'm working on this baby bootie project:


The Tummy

...has grown tremendously in the past 2 weeks. It's a weird feeling. On one hand, I'm glad that baby is growing well inside me, but on the other hand, when I see what I look like in the mirror and think about all that stretching my skin is doing (imagining myself pre-pregnancy and comparing it to now) I'm seriously freaked out. I wish I was more maternal-like and embrace all these changes like what I imagine all the other mothers out there to be doing - this would be so much easier then.

Guess this is just another one of my struggles to come to terms with impending motherhood. There are a lot of sacrifices to be made along the way, and I have to confess it's not coming naturally to me at all. There's a line that I keep hearing - "It'll all be worth it when you look at your baby" - that I hope I can say with conviction one day down the road.

In the meantime, pass me that anti-stretchmark cream, please.


Saggs said...

well, motherhood didn't come naturally for me too, so you're NOT alone, gf!

rachel said...

the booties are lovely & i can't wait to see the blankie.

i was ambivalent abt my little man until i felt him stir at week 17. that feeling... suddenly it hit me. i'm going to be a mama! :)