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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ellis Makes a Mooncake

Oh yes, she did. School had the kids making snowskin mooncakes on 1st October, Children's Day. Which is one day before they celebrated the Mid Autumn Festival. Ms Lou told me that Ellis enthusiastically rolled the dough with a rolling pin, pummeled and shaped it into...this:

Ellis 01.10.09_1

The mooncake was place in front of her purely for phototaking purposes - she kept trying to eat it and I had to pull it away from her mouth while still trying to get a shot of them together. Naturally, she got upset at having her tasty creation repeatedly snatched from her.

Ellis 01.10.09_2

And to finish off, here is Ellis going "Cheers!" and clinking her milk mug against the jug.
Ellis 01.10.09_3

1 comment:

Pat said...

she's getting cuter and cuter by the day...keep the posts & pics coming